Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I don't know what your talking about

That is exactly what Maylee said, when I asked her about her fancy eyeliner! She is not sure how it got there, and doesn't know what I am talking about. She thinks makeup has to be above her eyes for some reason, she always puts her eye shadow on her eyebrow, she cracks me up. She defiantly is my girlie girl, she is still loveing preschool and dance. She is growing up way to fast and is my little sweet girl!
She looks so shocked in this picture
Did I do something wrong?????


Debbie Campbell Johnson said...


shawna said...

Oh what a funny girl. That made my day.

nate_clarlaw said...

Hee Hee! I love watching little girls grow up and figure out how to do girly things! So cute!

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Man... that caught me laughing at loud!!!! I wasn't expecting that cute of a picture!!!! I love our Miss May - Jackson and me think our little girl will be just like her!!!! hopefully at least!!! :)

Wendy said...

I think she takes after her mommy so sweet and innocent. That is what little girls are suppose to be like.
cute cute cute

Heather said...

Okay, that made me laugh out loud! Too funny!