Monday, July 7, 2008

cambell reuion- june 2008

the last week of june was crazy busy but lots of fun for us, we went to the campbell family reuion at donnetta hot springs. the first picture is jocelyn and the kiddo's at the pool, then we have bradens snazzy goggle's, the next picture is of what we call double trouble, it is my sister jocelyn's little girl fallon and gracie, they are 4 months apart and we know that trouble is sure to follow these little cutie pies, the next picture is maylee falling asleep eating watermelon! the last picture is braden and maylee going down this haunkin huge slide that scared the crap out of me everytime they went down, well sure enough my little maylee fell off the top, she slid right thru the handle bars on the top, don't worry by the time i got there , there were 15 campbell women loving and kissing her! luckily she was not hurt bad. thanks dad for hauling up the trailer so we could sleep in it, and thanks jeff for coming and picking it up, and fortaking the kids home for the rest of the week so i could go to island park to the princess party! i will tell about it next.


Anonymous said...

That place is so much fun!!! Looks like the kids had a blast.... The end of July will work good for me for a candle party. Just let me know when and I will get you some invitations to send out!!!! THANKS CHAR!

The Nelson's said...

ahh i need those pictures they are all so cute!! i love the one where may-may feel asleep.. i love the 4th of july ones to!! i will get new pics on hopefully by the end of the week.. well we miss you tons love ya