Sunday, August 17, 2008

A week in Review

So here are the things we did last week, we went to the fair 3 times, the rodeo, the parade and the carnival, temple open house, so why are we doing so much in one week well kindergarden starts next week and our lives will change forever we kind of run on the Jeff and Char schedule which includes little scheduleing, it works for us but would not for everyone. I have never been good at bedtimes or wakeup times, but we will be starting that now! My mom said one time that she knows she can call my house At 11:00pm and still be able to talk to all her Grandkids, well I am not sure that's true everynight but most nights yes it's true! So heres to our last week of family freedom, wish us luck for the next hmmmm 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


EM said...

Okay, first off, I don't know which makes me more nervous - Braden on a motorcycle or Braden holding a knife in his hand - I love it! Good luck with those bedtimes... it still doesn't work at our house, school or no school!!!

Kenna said...

I'm dreading life on a schedule as well! We've done it before while I was in school and teaching but I'm still not looking forward to it.

Brian and Ami said...

Good luck with the bed time thing. I know how they like taking late afternoon naps. It sounds like you have been busy. I don't know how you find the time to do everything. Braden looks so grown up riding his motorcycle,he'll have to teach baby nothing how to ride. Tell the kids hi for me, I haven't seen them for a while. Love Ami and Bob

The Brack's said...

Afternoon kindergarten is the best...then you have another whole year of sleeping in! I am not looking forward to the early mornings! Our bodies are going to go into shock this week with school. Good luck!