Saturday, December 13, 2008

Making Gingerbread Houses

We made Gingerbread houses for the first time this year. The kids loved it, much to my surprise and joy when we opened the kit the house was pre-made, so we made the frosting and they decorated like crazy! Gracie enjoyed watching and trying to grab the house a couple of times!
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Ainslie said...

How fun!! Your kids are growing up and they look like they are having a blast with all of those sweets and goodies

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Yummy! That looks like fun, especially the eating of the frosting part! Can't wait to see you kids tomorrow!

Mindy said...

I bought some to decorate, and haven't gotten it done yet. It looks like your kids had lots of fun! Maybe I better get ours done..before Christmas is over!

Rachel said...

Where did you get the premade kit? That sounds so nice!

Maria said...

i've seen those before...looks like a lot of fun! i'm not sure i am ready to embark on that much excitement yet...hope you're enjoying getting ready for christmas!