Friday, May 8, 2009

What you get when a farmer plants a garden!

We wanted to do a garden this year since last year we did'nt

get around to it, I heard a tractor behind our house and sure enough Braden and his Dad were getting the garden ready, I thought okay looks good, then I told Jeff go al ittle bigger then when I saw the garden spot the next day with out the hugh tractor in it I thought wow that's big, I 'm glad I have a farmer husband who is used to big acres of land!


Anonymous said...

This is too funny!!!! We have the life.... Logan was just making fun of me cause I can't ever tell what's the plant and what is a weed in my garden... "City Girl" he calls me! All he knows is beets and grain... He wouldn't know what a cucumber or tomato looked like!!! ;)

Evynn said...

Ha Ha, that's something Lenny would do too. And don't feel bad Heather, I do the same thing. Only I don't ask, I just pull it.

Melissa said...

Can he bring the tractor to my house?