Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles......

My kids got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa Darringtons last weekend and this weekend, wow it's there lucky day, we left for a whole week which was something of it's self, Braden went to Aunt Emi's during the week and got to ride the bus home with Sam, Becca and Rachel, he was so excited he had a blast there. Emi told me she went to tuck him in the first night and he said "Emi I would really like to go sleep at my Grandpa and Grandma's house" so what a trooper she hauled him there everynight that he requested to go there, she said he was fine until it was time to go to bed, Maylee and Gracie got to go to my friend Viv's house ( Viv watched my kids while I worked for about 5 years she is a sweetheart and my kids loooove her) I told Maylee we would pack her sleeping bag and she told me I don't need my sleeping bag I sleep in the crib at Viv's hmmm well that was a year ago since she went to Viv's for babysitting, I told her Kaisha sleeps in the crib now, she insisted it would be okay, well she found out the crib was not for her and she was still okay, I had a hard time leaving my little kido's but thankfully we have really great family and friends to help out!!! I think my little Gracie grew while we were gone and she is trying to scoot!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the kids had a good time. And I bet it was nice to get away too! Love the bubbles!