Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We had a great Thanksgiving this year, we started out the holiday on Wednesday by going to the cabin in Island Parke, we had a blast playing games, eating, talking and just relaxing! We stayed there until Saturday and then went to my cousins wedding that night in Rigby, then it was on to Bountiful Utah to Jeff's Aunt and Uncle's missionary farewell that was on Sunday the kids kept asking where we were going next! They had fun swimming at the hotel and eating treats late at night! It was fun to see Jeff's cousins, there was 1 I have never met before, so needless to say we were busy but very glad we could spend time with both of our families! I am so thankful for all the blessings my family has been given! I am thankful for a wonderful husband and 3 super cute kids!!!!Getting ready for the big dinner
Here is Braden, Cecey, and Maylee waiting for the food

Gracie enjoyed her 1st Thanksgiving

Here are the kids turkeys

decorating the cabin Christmas tree

the kids in the back of the ranger

Maylee and Braden got tired on the way back from cutting trees

Here's our tree

Gracie is not sure about the snow suit!

Me and my baby sis Brittney

Cousin Cecey LOVES Gracie

Here is the crew

Here we are at Big Springs feeding the fish!

Braden is feeding the fish pancakes and marshmellows!

decorating the tree for the cabin!
Let me explain..... it is a tradition every year after Thanksgiving dinner all the girls go out and cut sown a Christmas tree for the cabin, I am the one in charge of the chainsaw scary I know!
This year we went out in search of the perfect tree and found lots of wolve tracks, I was scared to death I knew I had the saw but after cutting down the tree it was a good thing we did not see any big bad wolves because it took me a few pulls and the chain fell off!!!

Here are the girls my sister Trish and Cecey, my Mom, Maylee, my sis Brittney and me!


jeff and char said...

anyone know why and how to fix the big gap on my post?????

Jackson & Trish Whitehurst said...

Those pictures are fun! And that was such a nice Thanksgiving break! I love the cabin, no expectations there except to cut down christmas trees! And you are pretty handy with the saw!

Mindy said...

I loved your pictures at Big Springs. I love to go there, and the kids love feeding the fish. I am sure Braden & Maylee had a great time. Glad you had a great time with your family!

EM said...

You have such a great fam. Please tell me that something in your fam is disfunctional so that I can feel more normal. I love you with the chainsaw. It would so be my job if our family of girls did that. You had a busy weekend. You need a nap.

Melissa said...

It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Your family looks so fun! And what a great thing to have a cabin at Island Park. I have never been there, but I hear it is pretty! Glad you had a great time!

Marsha said...

Love all your pictures Char. Family, gabbing, cabins (or shopping), good food, I guess football (food channel on commercials)...good recipe for a great Thanksgiving!